Grant Programs
Parish Revitalization Program
The Parish Revitalization Program is designed to help parishes initiate new programs. Grants of up to $2,000 are available to parishes in good standing and are meant to provide a financial incentive to stimulate action and effort on the part of parishes that desire to begin a cycle of renewed vibrancy that will become part of parish life.
The new activities can fall into various parish areas — charitable outreach, adult education, worship, evangelization, campus outreach. No legitimate area of parish life is out of bounds for consideration.
Virtual Outreach Program
The current COVID-19 pandemic has required many of our parishes and church organizations to close temporarily to their adherents or to drastically reduce in-person activities. In response, we have seen a significant increase in on-line activities and virtual presence of the UOCC and its parts.
In support of these on-line initiatives, the Foundation has launched the Virtual Outreach Program. The program will provide funding of up to $2,000 per parish or official UOCC organization at the local, eparchial, or national level for activities and equipment required to launch an on-line presence or to improve the effectiveness of existing virtual activities.
Clergy Continuation Education
The Foundation supports the UOCC’s Clergy continuation education program, which offers our priests financial aid to pursue advanced degrees, and to update personal leadership and management skills. For further information on this initiative, please contact your bishop.
The Foundation also provides scholarships to aid orthodox students of theology.
Mission Support
Available grants include:
1. Purchase of prayer books or Sunday school material
2. Mission publications or multimedia material
3. Subsidy for parishes that support rural missions
4. Directed mission support as proposed by a Sobor
5. Programs in support of youth activities
6. Subsidies to support UOCC specific projects
Sunday School Enhancement Program
This program was established in 2018 as a special initiative to commemorate the UOCC’s centennial, with the objective of helping parishes improve their programs, and thereby hopefully lead to increasing enrolment in Sunday schools across Canada.
Under this program, parishes are eligible to receive annual grants of $500.00 to enhance their schools. By providing annual reports setting out how the grant was used, they will be eligible to apply again the following year.